why doesn't my husband show me affection

I know I was. Do I stay or go? Do you remember your normal thoughts and reality that you had before all this started happening, or before you met him. Falling in love is just part of the recipe for a marriage. It does not mean you later can't work on the relationship, if he is willing, you both see a counselor separately and then together. Peace and Serenity are invisible things of spirit and to have hope of possessing them, we have to choose to walk in truth. The moral of the frog story, get out before you are destroyed- can't function day to day normally, ie loose your job, go into deep depression, have no motivation to do daily routines, or don't talk to family and friends anymore, and so on. I confronted him and her numerous times but it really doesn't matter to them. When he smokes cigs I don't like to smell it so instead of washing up he advoids affection, It's even more complicated than that As a result, he may have accumulated some extra pounds that make him feel rather uncomfortable. Remember it is very important to have outside help and support to keep your view and focus. But what have I gotten??? We get along great we are best friends. your a smart lady, enjoy life. He spends alot of time in the study on the computer and have caught him out watching ***** and that just kills me.. l just can't live like this anymore..the last year has been the worst for me...how can l stay in this marriage anymore,when he doesn't love me or even respect me...: but when we are out we act as we are happy in front of other people,but really it's all a act, I'm falling to pieces.. ( only if people really knew my situation) I need help,its gotten to a point were l just don't want to be on this earth anymore,the only thing that's stopping me doing anything is my beautiful daughter.. As I read through these post I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one in this situation. He told me it was to the point he felt like it is a chore to have sex with me. As you sit in the café, watching couples kiss and … If you are not healthy, you can help no one! Be there for u affectionately and intimately Im glad you gain strength from your daughter. It's easy for any of us to take the relationship and our partner for granted as other things demand our attention. I think Mika has some good advice take some of it and customize it to suit your situation. And he says he just doesn't really have a sex drive like he use to he is 36 I'm 33 we have two. He discusses me. he doesnt listen, doesnt care about her flesh needs, ****, im 54 married to my HS bf, i should of seen the signs back then. Do you offer weekend counseling appointments? He feels that he has to make a checklist on what he should do. Despite how hard and painful it can be, at some point we have to look back and realize things are different. Then the cycle repeats itself, and her daughter or son will pick someone like that and so on. Once you are strong in support and have a plan, then approach the person and start the process of trying to repair the relationship. Has he treated you badly before? Public displays of affection are out of the question. What I want to say about that is that suppressing and hiding things works on us in a polar opposite way than both being truthful and also openly with both God and man does. Or other men, sadly, could be abusing alcohol or drugs. Good news, you are not alone. Or how he can go for weeks without it.He would tell me the same thing ur husband said. My boyfriend and I have been together for 11 months. Also, books on the topic help. At night, he always wakes up for his friends or for his work for ungodly hours, but when he is free he always sleeps late. There can be many reasons why Therese's husband isn't affectionate anymoreand not all of them are Many people have successfully changed their situation, most have to move on from their painful situation, because their partner refuses to see themselves as the problem. You had the right to say I do, and now you have a right to say NO MORE! KIMBERLY i loved everything you said. It sounds like the person has baggage that is being transferred to you. What may work for some, may not work for others! Our ways usually just bury us even deeper into places where the torments thrive on us and eat us alive. I have communicated with him several times that he is not meeting my needs. Affection, love, and sex should all come natural when you love someone and are married. You don't have control over your husband's feelings or desires...and trying to control them will only make you MORE UNATTRACTIVE. I would want to find out if the Mister here even wants to be married, because I do like myself and do care to live out a life with some meaning and joy and if he truly just doesn't give a darn (unless depression is his problem) then I am sure not going to spend the rest of my life begging him for everything that he refuses to even care about, let alone make any effort to even try. Marriage is about LOve n respect both mentally/physically & intimately and its about support including emotionally and physically, trust and most of all the constant battle to keep ur family together it's hard work very hard work Then I started wondering how long that had been going on. Tell him he is a man and if he does not want to be a man then get the F out! i never get a hug from him i ... What is wrong with a man that shows no affection. You are being manipulated. Bravo!!!! Like, and I quote - "If you ever want to have sex again..." It is bad enough to hear that from your spouse with just the two of you. Being a confident woman means you're not allowing your insecurities from preventing you ACT IN A WAY that will help you get what you want. (She has passed menopause and I have passed andropause.) It's God's way and his way works. He will not let you into his reality, that's how he protects himself. If your husband treats you like an afterthought or like … i know exactly how she's living, and its lonely. My parents had major trouble when I was a kid because they were both cheating. He wants it once a week, saturday am only. My husband learned why I was disappointed with the lack of affection and began to open up and show me how much he really loves me. Does insurance pay for marriage counseling? Maybe separate for you and him and then together. We all make mistakes, or have unexpected things happen to us, but we can plan a different path, one minute at a time, one moment at a time, one day at a time. I'm finding it hard to sleep because when she comes to bed I don't want to be there. It doesn't sound like he's all that nice to you? Any of the contributing causes above can be stopped, changed and the damage repaired. I too know what it feels like not to feel loved. Why isn't my husband affectionate? Basic Attribute #2: He Doesn’t Feel Entitled to Affection – He Simply Creates It He is spiritually grounded in the certainty that people are meant to share love and affection. Unless getting it somewhere else, but you say no. That was a healthy reaction. i already do all of that. it can be frustrating, as I saw. It took a lotttttttt of time though . Your not crazy, normal men would respond to your advances, or be more reasonable in their comments. My Husband will not show me any affection what so ever. Do you offer evening counseling appointments? The only way to eliminate your insecurities is when you begin to stop relying on HIM to make YOU feel sexy and beautiful. © 2021 Guy Stuff Counseling & Coaching - A Professional Corporation of Marriage and Family Therapy, All Rights Reserved. I think I may be starting to understand them better now. I am so in love with him but I feel like he has no desire to look at me or touch me. My husband doesn't confide in me when he has problems and he never tells me how he is feeling if he seems down. There’s a HUGE difference between wanting him and needing him. There can be many reasons why Therese's husband isn't affectionate anymore and not all of them are bad or are solely about him. I repeat no one owns you, so the ball is always in your court to leave a bad situation, when you are able. There is nothing WRONG WITH YOU! If he cuddles and kisses you it's a sign of affection and he still loves you (if he didn't love you he would be indifferent). I'm concerned though that you will not have enough strength to help her as you decline emotionally. My wife won't show me any affection. He probably has unresolved hurts from family or past relationships. My husband doesn't want sex or affection, but shows it liberally to the kids and dog. It feels forced. Remember, research what these cycles are to understand more: Verbal abuse, emotional abuse, and physical abuse. He may not realize how scared he feels when you want him to commit emotionally or physically. He says he loves me … "If you bark like a dog, don’t be surprised if you’re treated like a B*I*T*C*H" You can stomp your feet, yell and scream all you want… but do you really think that will make him GENUINELY WANT YOU more? Why doesnt my girlfriend show me a lot of affection? My response to post and input. What you are seeing in this woman is an expression of what's going on inwardly, and with her, it's not only a response to you at all, but she has actually "become" who and what she is displaying today, and her own hiding things inside and not facing life truthfully and rightly has brought her to this place, and most likely she was not also this person, but yet it is not all simple that we could go back to being the kind of heart and mind we were at one time, once we allow our character/heart/mind/spirit to change this way. I want him to leave but he doesn't. then may it help. I have lost 26 pounds trying to get his attention like I use to have it. You may want to do more research - the problem may be something else (i.e. She is in a prison, even if she doesn't realize it, because she is physically married to a man that she is divided from, even if in part. But eventually it got some what 'stale'. And placed boundaries, which may go over board to some, but people who verbal and emotionally manipulate or abuse must have firmness. I have only been married 1 1/2 years we have been together 3 1/2. Separately, so you have a safe place to be truthful. She and some of our friends have commented that I seem like something is wrong with me. You are special and deserving of an equal place in the relationship, and reasonable communication, and love. He never holds my hand or puts his arm around me. Common explanations I hear from men as to why they're not interested in their partner, even sexually (while still liking and wanting to have sex), can be her: Attraction and physical affection go hand-in-hand, and in order to maintain that affection both partners need to care enough to take care of themselves and their appearance. If you're a husband or boyfriend and wondering what you can do to show more affection, here are some good places to start. [Read: How to have better sex and change the way you make love] #6 He asks you about you. They will never let you be an equal partner, share their life, or walk side by side. I know he isnt watching ***** on the computer because I go through it and I know he isn't having an affair I just dont understand. Maybe it will reciprocate. They know they are treated in a very stressful way, and rationalize that the person is having a bad week, month, year; rationalize that they themselves need to act better as a wife or husband;rationalize that something must be wrong with them. I gave up. You both are also in a prison because you both do not truly know what is going on with the other, and yes "we" are responsible for the very life of the other, which means, it's up to us and not just them to make the unity occur with "them." Sounds like a self-righteous ****...believe me I have experience. Like coming home and reading a book the rest of day instead of even talking to me. 4. No man with holds sex. This is BS about the 'change your mindset to attact him'. Not saying it's impossible, but we may need alot of help from certain people and also a greater willingness of heart than we have had at all during this time we have so changed. Or not coming to bed until 2 or 3 in the morning. The only thing I know is to discuss how you feel with him. You could never think to act that way, and would not know how to practice it. If you show love to him and more love to yourself then you are only giving one indication that you are a woman who loves herself and is also capable of loving others. Many are experiencing the cycles of verbal abuse and emotional abuse, but don't know what is happening to them. I'm not about to talk about this with someone else. Counseling but barely skim the surface of our issues, He may be abit low self esteem I know he doesn't like the weight gain and the fact that I have been the one supporting us due to his non sufficient employment. Here are some comments from a man in what may be a similar situation -. Physical intimacy like daily kisses turn into every few days, hugs happen only when forced, and even sex becomes less and less regular. How many excuses do these selfish men need! How can I tell if he truly loves me,IF HE DOESNT SHOW ME AFFECTION,but he t... My girlfriend broke up my with me because i did not show her the attention she deserved. But if things escalate, have a plan for you and your daughter. A guy who doesn’t love his wife would rather masturbate than carry on a fake sexual relationship. Relationships rarely change overnight -- they change slowly over time. Other women are looking more and more interesting. Don’t wait for her to initiate affection – once every few days (to begin with), stop and give her a warm, loving hug. You "can" speak up to her truthfully...and if you choose the alternative of falling into the sexual temptations for escape instead, you will be facing her anyway eventually and you will fell 10X worse. They learn to protect themselves from being hurt (real or imagined hurt). It shouldn't be like this. Privacy Policy  SitemapFeatured logos are trademarks of their respective owners. Then I started feeling like she was ignoring me. His reality about you is not! It wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good. You be the hero, stop this cycle on you and your daughter, with research of the behavior problem, support, and making a plan. when that fails it all comes crashing down. Sometimes I think we who are not getting the affection … "Sometimes a partner withdraws affection because he or she is struggling with stress, mental health issues, illness, or trauma, and they are inwardly focused and stop paying attention to you… and out of control. You are trapped between guilt and emotions. Then I realized that wanting my man to show his love towards me was essentially me being needy and desperate for his love...When you're being needy and desperate-- you most likely will push your man away than anything. Advice? What if my husband or wife won't go to counseling? If you've lost the affection from your partner, don't jump to the conclusion that the relationship must be dead, first focus on learning why and how you can change it. Mature GF doesn't show much affection, but says she loves me. It takes time. My husband hasn't touched me in about a year. There can also be some troubling reasons for the loss of affection that men are responsible for too: The good thing about realizing that your husband isn't affectionate anymore is that it can be fixed. You will be tempted to keep explaining yourself and the why you do what you do, don't! He is... My girlfriend wont show any affection, but says she loves me. Guest of Link #1, If you could not work out the situation and have moved on, then this will maybe help you not to blame yourself solely. Enjoy the people who love you and people who enjoy being with you and have fun life is too small to think anything that makes you you sad only focus on your happiness and do thing which you love. If you NEED him to tell you that are beautiful… that’s a clear indication that you have some insecurity issues yourself. FINE! You can try to love them back, but they don't trust that. If that's something you want to do. My husband never wants sex and doesn’t even cuddle me. When you've come to the realization that there’s a problem in your relationship and think, “my husband isn't affectionate anymore,” it may seem like it happened all of a sudden. However, no one owns you. Did the two of you talk sex regularly before this? No, no, no, no. For instance, your plan has to include how to proceed with your daughter in mind. I cant speak to her about this, a few years ago I got a lecture about how sex is all I want. He is always happy when he goes out with his friends, but when he goes out with me he always says "lets go home," "I'm tired" or keeps watching the time and I never see a single genuine smile at me. Okay but if it (ur marriage) just turned into an Al Bundy situation & he is just pure lazy or thinks of it as a task Their tactic is to take apart everything you do and say and use it against you. Save your breath. Doing more of what brought us to this place does not, but it only imprisons us both even more and more torments comes out of it. Men too want to be loved and desired but most importantly they want to be respected and admired. Still other men may become obsessed with a hobby, such as gaming or golf. You have to make some decisions, soon. I’ve been married 14 years. In the mean time you could break down, if you continue to stay with him under the extreme circumstances. I have access to bank and phone records.. only because of this situation. There is no such thing at all as living out one reality secretly or inwardly and a different one outwardly in the face of God and man. It told him that if he is unable to tell me I am beautiful, not cringe and pull away when I go to kiss him and unable to be a physical partner then I was moving to another bedroom. I haven't discussed this with her because I see major problems if I don't word it very carefully. The exercises helped to show us each other’s perspectives on our … am at the point That I'm to old for this. He will interfere and get more angry if he finds out. I feel like I'm trying to replace our relationship with friends and activities and things. Both partners need safety, honesty, and willingness to meet each others basic needs of attention, safe communication, and safe love and sex. Perhaps your husband did not take care of his body as much as he used to before marriage. Here's the thing though. But I am done! Once you shift your mindset, your husband will FEEL ATTRACTED to you because NOTHING IS MORE ATTRACTIVE than a woman who loves her self and doens't NEED a man to feel loved because she does that for herself. ... My husband has a daughter he doesn't want our children to know about By Anonymous 8 Mar 2021, 12:00pm. Nothing beat communicating. To get a handle on his reality, that he doesn't want you to share, but keeps you on egg shells, again to feel power, since he feels powerless inside. NO more kisses no I love you's, sex may be once a month He won't cuddle with me or even look at me when I walk around naked. We do go to marriage. After all, if it's true, what does that mean for the future of our relationship? He is 25 and doesn't want to have sex with his wife. Look up verbal abuse or get a book on it. If he doesnt know how to show love then you show love once in a while but dont resent on him not showing you love. My husband of over 23 years is having an emotional affair. You can NEVER DEMAND for love or attention. I completely agree with you. However,You are responsible for you, not for someone bent on destroying you. It turned out that I was uncomfortable with my own body and didn't think I was up to her standard (all in my own mind) even after she told me otherwise. If you are still in the situation. A relationship will become dysfunctional if you truly believe your husband doesn’t want you sexually or he simply acts like he doesn’t want you around. Then it just became this typical American icon of a marriage that we all fear I said I would never do anything of the sort. Think about it, even with our blood relatives life is not always rainbows and butterflies. Your daughter needs you very much. Just know you are not someones God, meaning you didn't create them, so its not up to you to fix them. Dealing with an emotionally unavailable woman or man is not an easy task. Maybe he has depression and doesn't know it. I do snoop on his phone records and I don't trust him at all. If you can't love yourself UNCONDITIONALLY--then how can someone love you. Ok, maybe she just needs some down time. When we talk I get snapped at. It's a process. … This last year he shows me no love, he barely talks to me. You are in a prison because she has broken away from the oneness, the the spiritual unity, that yes even denying the sexual part does cause, and probably actually causes more than anything. I couldn't cuddle much less have sex without hearing that or some of the other ones again. She protected her self esteem. Your reality is healthy, his is not.You must trust your reality. Why wont my boyfreind show me any affection ? When you want him, you are emotionally okay whether or not you get what you want (this means NO HISSY FITS, no tears, no bitterness or resentment). Normal conversation, and give and take or compromise, doesn't fit into their reality needs- to not feel helpless and stay in control. Have you ever felt pressured by someone to think or feel in a certain way? Start letting him know when he does something or says something to you that you know is not true, to stop and you don't like that. Prayer will have results, but only God knows how long, before results come. My Husband doesn't show affection. My self-esteem was suffering at the time, I eventually overcame this, but it did take a few years. I am just going to say it, and if you want to hate me… https://themarriagefoundation.org/my-husband-does-not-show-affection Maybe he wants u to star sex. He said in Dec that he didn’t love me as much as I loved him. My wife doesn't kiss me, no cuddles, no affection and I am just so fed up. But when I started hearing it in front of others it really got to me. At this point you need privacy, until you get a plan together and feel emotionally safe. Tell him you are not ... such and such, and say stop doing that. Since we got married? you are 18 or older, you read and agreed to the, My Girlfriend wont show me any affection..but says she loves me..advice. Does your men's counseling services offer a payment plan? It is a breach of marriage, when most of the time these things are withheld, belittled, and anger persists and persists. I don't nag at … And it's his duty as well as yours. Just because you're married, does not mean your husband is required to act or behave in a certain way when it comes to loving you. I still want to have sex. If you are a person who doesn't mind a … How can I make it right because I want this marriage to work? He acts like he is the victim in this marriage. It’s when you admit that you just threw a … I always asked myself if it was normal for my man to see me naked n not want sex. However, not every abuser can give up their verbal, emotional, or physical abusive patterns. I told him no more cuddling, no more kissing me like I kiss my mother! She can't switch off from paying bills to … Our sex life is also nonexistent. How often should I go to marriage counseling? Why Your Husband Isn’t Affectionate Anymore, Falling Back In Love With Your Husband Is Possible, I Can't Understand Why He Doesn't Love Me, What To Do When Your Husband Has Problems Keeping An Erection. Opposites attract. I'm sorry that you fell in love with someone so painful to live with. He doesn't pay attention to me. I was told that I needed to stop it and knock it off with the " I need affection/attention" thing. Each step, keep in touch with your support network: friends, family, church, counselor and on.If you don't have friends or healthy family relationships, your daughters school office can help you get resources to meet these needs confidentially, and make referrals. When you’re heavily relying on your external situation to MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD, than you’re going to hit a brutal realization that you MAY not get what you want and it’s going to CRUSH you and make you feel RESENTFUL and BITTER. If your husband does not enjoy his own appearance, he may even lose interest in having sex. DONE! May your new year bring with it much courage, and peace. I've started looking for others in similar situations which is how I found this board. I am DONE talking and enabling him with 'needs' and 'issues' and watching my tone so as to ensure healthy converstaion. What is emotional safety? It's also possible that he's showing you affection in different ways that you just don't recognize. But the things I am angry about mostly is he non contribution n non cummication to our family More from The Telegraph. LoL. This can make him lose interest in sex with you, because of the constant comparisons that his mind is thinking up. If you feel your husband is not affectionate or romantic and on the contrary, you … he may have some emotions buried or even some self-esteem issues that need to be brought to the forefront. Then move on if while apart he doesn't change over a period of time, what ever that needs to be for you, because each person's tolerance level is different, but it should not be an unhealthy length of tolerance time. I thought we were trying.. a few weeks ago I discovered he still texts her. You must MUST attract him, it sounds like since you NEED his attention … My boyfriend and I got in a fight and now he won't show affection. Now he is all about fixing the issue. I know exactly how you feel, I've been there too. Do you offer sliding fee scale counseling services? Why does my partner not show me any love or affection. Approach the situation, by first taking care of yourself by getting feedback from trusted people, and then if you can a counselor for yourself. Smile And Laugh More Often. It may be a little mysterious how or why it works that way, but it's also evident in the marriages in our society that it does. Why would someone do such a thing, how mean, right. I did this same thing with my wife, I turned away from her attentions and didn;t reciprocate when I should have. Wow lots of different situations yet similarity Just because you're married, does not mean your husband is required to act or behave in a certain way when it comes to loving you. Im so uncomfortable with myself I dont even change in the room when he is there anymore because Ive become so self conscious. It's an eye opener! I would say if the husband showed any type of remorse or sincerely wanted to change to give him a shot. You can! That is a decision you must come to terms with...finally getting the courage to leave. I look the best I have ever looked. Again, It's a process. If you are on this site it means you want to save the relationship so give yourself a chance. Truth is what sets us free, and holding back truth imprisons us. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(31983, '06d08bc3-2f0f-46d4-8ba1-740e100a750c', {}); Sometimes we have a sense that things aren't quite right, but with the busyness of life we often don't pause long enough to really think about it. He ca... Should I be married to a man who don't show affection? Because I have felt so lonely for so long, because he is so withdrawn from me, because I get no support or affection from him, and because he doesn't seem to make an effort to work with me … Those work and financial stressors can also emotionally drain us and leave little left to give to our partner in the affection department. If you have not found a way out, or a way to take a break, that is paramount. Your like a frog in a pan of hot water, that the fire is slowly being turned up on, but you as the frog don't know its getting hotter and hotter and when you realize you can't jump out and you get cooked. He doesn't conversate with me and if he does its about whats going on in his life. It is time for you to leave the co-dependency behind and discover there are men who would LOVE to treat you with respect. You may need to get him to open up slowly about sex... many of us have little hang-ups with it. I satisfy my husband sexually. Get out while you can! He is not cheating that I can see. It is because I have been following bad advice like this that has instead made me an ENABLER! She won't hug me, hold my hand, kiss m... My bf of three years doesn't want to show me affection anymore... Why doesn't my gf show any affection to me? For about 13 years, my husband has not shown affection to me (holding hands, sending cards, buying gifts, hugs, sitting next to me, etc.). I'm sure he loves you very much, and I can see you are doing everything you can to facilitate what you want. Sadly this reflection is often forced on us by a traumatic event, such as discovering text messages to another woman on his phone, or porn sites on his laptop, or that he's hiding getting drunk (all real-life examples of problems from my marriage counseling). So they keep you on egg shells all the time. If anyone says otherwise must have a poor marriage A year? Why doesn't my husband show affection towards me? I'm sorry for what you're going through. I feel so lonely, ugly, and unloved even though other men still find me attractive. and thats it. Don't feel bad I'm going through the same thing with my girlfriend and I don't know what to do any ideas I'm all ear's. work stress, low self esteem from his part, etc). However, they must do their part, or prepare to leave.